She was daughter of the big patriot general Sergios, Luminous brain and brave soul. She could speak fluently German , something infrequent in this period. Her determination, her forceful character, her bravery, her persuasiveness, her infrequent beauty, her build her aquiline look , her breezy tread , her disarming grin, her patriotism and the knowledge of the German language, were the reasons that made our secret services of England and Greece propose her, to accept the very difficult role of interpreter of Kraimpe and informant – agent of the English and Greek undercover services.
She was just 20 years then, and she preferred the national offer than the enjoyment of life and love, as the girls of the same age used to do.Not only she accepted the proposal,but she also considered that as a challenge and love for the homeland burgeoned in her and she admited to play the role she was asked .She knew very well that the mission that was assigned to her, was very difficult and that she was risking her life and despite that, she did not hesitate and entered the national resistance and the race. Despite of her unripe youth she proved exceptional for this period , her age and the difficult mission she was entrusted, maturity, gravity and utility.
Top actor that played excellently her role and accomplished to deceive the Germans for her intentions and her mission. With her infrequent qualifications and her deep faith to the homeland and the fair of the race, she offered value servises in the affair for the freedom of our homeland.
Kiveli, as interpreter of the German garrison of Heraklion, supplied the organisation of sabotage and information Heraklion – Lasithi and also the English Espionage, with precious information, copying or photographing confidentially documents from the office of the German garrison.